"My Art
My Therapy"

Hi, my name is not important but what i say is. I was first introduced to Jack in January 2018 for many years Jack has been battling his mental health difficulties getting treatment and educating himself to healing his pain.

Jack has been diagnosed by doctors over the years with depression, bipolar disorder, paranoia, anxiety and schizophrenia.

For many years Jack would be active getting on with his life then pain, anxiety, depression, his state of mind would make him isolate himself from friends and family for months even years.

In September 2016 Jack isolated himself again from the world removing all ties with the few friends he had, going home living with his parents staying in his room for the next sixteen months.

In January 2018 when i first met Jack he made the decision to stop taking all medication, and to stop seeing all doctors from the Mental Health Team in his home town.

"Help Yourself"

I asked jack - Why have you made this decision to stop taking the medication and to stop seeing anyone from the Mental Health Team?

" its the same thing i repeat every time i see them and tell them, the pain wont stop. The medicine don't work. I just want to know why i am not getting better. Its only in the last few times after seeing the mental heath team, as i drive home i would hear a voice in my head saying
" Help Yourself !" Weeks would go by till by next mental health appointment. After the second time of hearing " Help Yourself " when driving home from an appointment i knew.. it was now or never for me to figure out how to fix myself by Helping Myself.
Starting with stopping all medications."

After leaving the Mental Health Team and stopping all medication, Jack took the next step to quit smoking tobacco.

I meet up with Jack three months later, he was medication free and smoke free. He was staying at home only going out to get groceries. The next step he had taken was to heal his mind & body with a healthy diet and doing regular exercise.

Speaking to Jacks parents knowing there sons mental health illness for many years they kept it simple, by giving him all the support he needs and the space he needs to get himself better. They told me that he never really asks for anything and they will always be here for him when he dose.

In August 2018 one of Jacks many cousins was getting married in Bangladesh. For months his parents have been asking jack to go with them to Bangladesh. Only a few weeks before the flight to Bangladesh Jack agreed to go. Jack felt he needed to battle his fears and anxiety by getting active.

"Fix & Heal the body and the mind will follow"

A few weeks after the wedding Jack took the option to stay in Bangladesh to get a different perspective of his life and to heal himself.

He stared to travel around the country with family, after a month in Bangladesh he tried to keep himself busy by creating art. Most of his family thought he should find a job and stop doing art "again". It was difficult for him to explain his mental health illness to his family, in a country and culture were mental health issues are not talked about and doing art is a pointless objective. Jacks parents explained to the family that their son has to do what he needs to do, to get himself well and give him space to figure out what he wants to do.

After coming up with a few ideas Jack took a leap into making a sculpture.

His cousin in Dhaka City asked an Art professor at Shilpakala Art Academy the head of sculpture if he could help. The professor agreed that Jack will have some guidance from third year students in how to create his sculpture.

Jack spent a few weeks in Dhaka City and returned to his parents home town to start making his sculptures. Months passed by Jack stayed busy creating and felt he was in a better place in his mind. Finding a routine and process of staying active everyday exercising, learning and doing.

" if i didn't go throw this process of creating these sculptures and being physical everyday i would not have realized having a routine of doing, creating, learning, that my process was "THERAPY" That my anxieties became my creative drive "not" my burden. I need to continue creating and battling my fears, depression, isolation and anxieties.
Only by doing will i find the practical."

" be Creative "

- Re-Boot.. Re-Set.. -

Laptop P.C Tablet.. Re-Boots In No Time..
Background Programs Running All The Time..
end of the day.. home time.. its your time..
Error.. re-fresh.. Warm Shower before night time..
Just before i finish.. ICE Cold water.. head, face, chest,
arms, Belly + Sides.. nEVER' the back.. butt down to
feet, legs, hands.. all sweet.. one or two..? minutes.. eee..
just be ready.. Twice a week? or not.. its up to you..
dinner, movie.. Whatever.. tick-tock-Tick-tock.. log off..
admin.. ready for sleep.. body and mind.. re-freshing..
re-setting.. Re-booting.. Re-starting.. system updating..
silent running.. information accessing.. data processing..
startup.. standby.. by by the time i wake..? i am awake..
a little stretch.. what ever you fancy tea or coffee..
stimulate.. motivate.. navigate.. direction.. ALT Control..
what worked for me.. might work for you..?
when will we try.. stay free.. stay wonderful..
yO.. ( ( ( ICE cold water.. start from feet up ) ) ) ..LO

" i have to motivate my whole body and mind into creating everyday.
i must stay curious to discover and learn, i want to try."

Hi i am Jack, it's been a long continuing journey of staying optimistic learning as i am doing. I created sculptures and paintings, learnt a digital drawing painting method, created this Art eCommerce website, traveled, meet my family and battled my Mental Health along the way Everyday.

Thanks to the support of my family and parents for giving me the space i needed to learn and feel better. I now know my Mental Health journey is for life and so is my Art. The more i create the better i learn for my mind and body to heal.

I do feel better but the fear will never leave and the pain seems to remain.

I want to thank the people that know, and my answer - for Me was.
Help Yourself.. ? ? ?
?figure it out.. Go Goggle it Youtube it, Read it, Listen to it, Learn it, Do it, Try.

What helped me was Routine, Method, Learning, Doing, Manners, Discipline and Dedication. Finding what works and figuring out the process to start.

Garyvee....was my navigation too " Direction " he speaks his journeys truth.


Thank You Garyvee.

Garyvee Guided me with my words that i have been hearing putting them in an experienced manner. My words of Simple, Feasible, Expand and Manners, was Garyvee's Basic, Practical, Deeper and Empathy. .

Garyvee's A to Z of gained knowledge guided me with my W.T.F. anxieties to think practically.

I wanted Help and realized listening to Garyvee that i Needed Guidance, Advice, and Direction. Garyvee's words of Knowledge and Wisdom of life experience has shown a path to grow and heal my Mental health. I Google'd and searched and found a Goal, a Dream, a Vision of purpose- and to never forget.

Just remember Jack " YOU COULD " !? and whats the ALTERNATIVE "Regret.!
All i have to do is create it my way and give it a fuck'in good go.

Garyvee with your guided voice and experience we can all learn and do More.

THank YoU GaryVee.

Gary Vaynerchuk - Garyvee on Youtube Instagram etc.
Get Grayvee in your journey NOW..!

I began to adapt and be flexible. Think small to dream big, get motivated get inspired. Repetition, Repetition, REPETITION!!! till you've learnt did and made it.

If it ain't broke don't fix it! E-X-P-A-N-D-?. There is always a solution to the problem and it might be free. The journey is slOoow and frustrating, the more i did the more i learnt and a method was revealed.

"The struggle is guaranteed, success is not. So whatever you do, make sure you enjoy the struggle, the hustle of it all. Make sure you enjoy the journey, the grind, the waking up early each day and getting after it." (Dr. Michael VanDerschelden DC.)

" I had to believe in myself to find myself,
always trying to heal myself, to be myself. "

I found a method - process and subject. I started experimenting creating compositions and environments shaping new landscapes with color and light. I am always staying active in mind and body to create more to keep my mental health in check.

" Create everyday
find a routine and method
Wants & needs = time
practice more
learn more
do more
is all you
need "

" be thankful we are the lucky one's "

I am thankful for the technology i have to create Art and to the world wide web to Google, YouTube to all the individuals that make all this possible for us all to learn. Thank you to the creatives for the images and sounds. To all people who upload their content to the internet for us all to see, hear, learn, share and grow.

By looking listening and traveling with these endless images and sounds of content on the web - i would not of been inspired to find a method process to keep my mental health focused. I am motivated in mind body heart to create, to see the bigger picture of a world full of wonder and creation.

I am creating Art everyday for Well-being
for me and you.

My Art is a Method for me to Heal
and a pictureJack for You to Discover.


Curiosity to Access Abstract Happiness
see the bIGGER picture.
Thank you.


a Gift


High Anxiety