picture jack prints

a.~.~ Gift

We are all gifts, the opportunity
is in our hands for our minds and
hearts to learn and start.

i heard someone say that...

" God laughs at our plans "

To have realization that most plans
and ambitions are laughable romantic
dreams of delusion - an unfeasible
Unpractical vision.

seeing the end result in the mind
without starting or creating, only
talking or over thinking.

Plans change ideas evolve start, end.

- Art is a gift -
the opportunity to create more.
to grow, develop, learn.

time is now to discover and explore
creation, wellness and meaningful
purpose of life and art.

We all learn in our own time.
time gave me a need to stop dreaming? wishing talking and start doing.
once i started to believe in myself
i found a gift.

a motivated Mind, body, heart and spirit
will evolve to resolve.

 my rush to create after a method was discovered was an ” urgency of time ” to explore and create with out thinking or planing? to learn and grow. my routine and process, is to battle my mental health to conquer my fears and anxieties. i had no plan. just an unknown risk of Yes or No’s, of do’s and don’ts. Art is the time to stay active creatively, mentally, physically, to feel and understand. I rushed to learn and found that there is no rush, just a path. a goal of a want and need to succeed. to begin, to complete, to start. 

Art is a language with many voices of guidance, advice. which gives us all purpose to learn and communicate. to connect, imagine and heal. if you can not create. you can listen, see and feel forever.

art is a gift to heal the past, present, future.

there is Always More To learn.

" Help yourself to help "