HeAds up

yo.. colorful language below ..lo

..writing helps heal my mind in those moments of uncertainty..
..don't over think!ng.. just write..
..if a picture paints a thousand words.. imagine what words do..
..these words are my own..? they are not to upset or harm..
..just another method to heal & create..
..You have be warned..
..stay active people * enjoy..

Art Up

" i'am always delusional..
what if.. i am right "

" art is priceless feeling..
it is a future treasure..
a past and present memory..
forever.. n eva.. n eva.. n eva "

" mistakes are inevitable
then avoided.. remember "

" open your mind..
don't discriminate.. integrate
hearts are closed..?
slowly slowly.. catchee monkey "

" i'am not the one to figure it out..
or am i "

" i lookout of an endless window to see
i'am not the lonely one searching "

" i want to succeed
where all others have failed..
all for one.. one for all "

" i have all the fear.. all the confidence..
i'am a man.. boy.. child..
the inevitability of time "

" i dance to a beat in my mind..
i'am not alone "

" my love is a feeling..
my fear is an emotion "

" you can steal the prize..
but not the life "

" you are free to do as we show you..
Eye of the beholders "

" looking good.. sure dose feel good..
feeling good.. is not being good.. "

" no body won..
the world is still on default "

" kings and queens are born not made..
feed from the poor.. feed from the rich..
dick's have one eye.. hello dick.. "

" the truth will fuck you up
for a little while "

" there is so much to learn
when you start..
Journey well.. design for life "

" what will look and sound
familiar to you..
will be new and different
to others "

" share to care..
give to care to share.. "

" say thank you
with without sound "

" Happy inner.. sadness "

" A pig is a person too.. a human person..
pain.. personality.. Perfectionist.. purist..
a persistent.. pride.. profanity.. precisian..
yo..! pig.. poke to provoke.. patients "

" there is always somebody smarter..
better.. wiser.. and a complete cunt "

" making friends.. that benefit you
is a dick move..
are you that dick.. just ask "

" you are lazy.. try harder..
get smarter.. feel better.. "

" just cos it worked for me..
don't mean it will work for you..
i did it my-way "

" My superpowerrr..
is.. Kraazzy Sweeet.. "

" we all have dreams..
some dreams are denied..
good journey to all "

" i am unwell.. i am well.. in purpose..
Depression Or lonely.. cause or cure "

" endless battle begins
to coexist with
mental health "

" in my dreams.. i fly among the stars
and planets.. i walk on the sun and see her..
who am i.. in my dreams.. "

" universal language is silent..
i'am blind.. show lOUDER.. "

" We should share spirituality with the west "

why? because in the west people need it.
Why? because they drink they take drugs they dont care.
Why? because their not happy.
why? because their empty.
why? because they dont have god.
why? because they dont need god.
why? because they are actually quite happy.
Why? because they drink they take drugs and dont give a shit.

- omid djalili -

" life is a punchline.. win or lose..
we are here together "

" comfort to learn..
comfort to trap.. "

" us can create and rebel
break rules for a future
contemporary us "

" the only way to know how..
is to do it..
go discover "

" my fear is an unproductive
supersize to produce "

" i sound smarter that.. i look..
i'am not then..? smart.. "

" How do you device all the people all the time..?
u makee 'em think they woN "

" Looks looks looks
i is more talented
i then am "

" its a funny kinda sad "

" life is harsh..
go figure it out..
to get in..
work.. create.. discover.. to get out.. "

" We all got problems..
maybe its the solution.. "

" Personal action..
healthy to possibility.. "

" i dont no what i'am doing..
i just think to do.. "

" Free mind.. broken heart..
broken mind.. free heart..
help.. "

" i dare you to dream.. now your fucked..
now your ready to dream.. "

" time is all we have..
its getting really late mate "

" Easier said
than done "

" Are you not entertained
stop.. create.. try.. do..
everything you make..?
is new.. is different.. "

" i'am scared.. afraid.. fearful..
optimistic.. shy.. delusional.. all the time..
stay alive jack.. "

" a fearful high..
is a bright reality..
in a dark mind.. "

" This!s not normal? "

visual wonder reward
empathy disability pleasure leisure suffering
mother teacher mentor father son's and daughter's
educators mischief makers viral feeders money meme makers
entertainers emoji enabler influencers crafters inspirers
actors fakers subtitle readers charmers creators
style assailant glamour assistant reality victim
manufactured punishment law and order
crime poverty cashless society bankrupt economy
universal tik tok flip flop financial stability bankers banksy
justice equality morality accountability duty
social media statistic supervisor alt delete dictator
face time my time no time on time comedy tragedy
productivity creativity attachment connection isolation relation
global panic warming melting leadership migrating
behavior changeling changing helping guiding advising
basic rights human freedoms protect respect
developed destruction reconstruction collaboration collusion
advertiser consumer elusive sponsor dealer manipulator
product placer king queen brander
popular subscriber follower time waster
button pusher baseline breaker re mixer drinker dancer
recreational user feeder drug taker thinker doer abuser
counter culture outsider wilder divided danger conquer failure
mental health healer vapor future distant dreamer
traveler present nonexistence hopeful today uncertain existence
marvel addiction pocket buzzer controller commander
life partner joy giver soul crusher
great informer storyteller laughter banter error illusion delusion
denial lol like heart swipe permanent puffery flattery
pride envy gluttony sloth wrath lust greed seeded destruction
fun to mental vanity ego dignity shame delight
ignorance endemic social oversight public success parasite
beautiful character attractive creature pocket buzzer
devoted pleasing appealing deceiving engaging defining
ugly good looking honest false real obedient rebellious
image viewer media player song writer #singer gamer
fast driver commuter performer eco warrior
role artist sky walker hero athlete online shopper
ethic contender ball kicker mission browser brewer
carbon producer filter filler caution direction liar lair
government informer thriller bull shitter drama horror
counterfeiter pill popper supplement well wisher dog groomer
breeder broadcaster organic framer poopa scoopa
meat eater garden grower high roller worshiper
home owner worker single fearful happy content
virtual world beater innovation imagination augmented
fact objective subjective theory greater prosperity
technology generation therapy Creation
superior inferior innovator hyper renovator
family partner child hunter express gathering rejoicing
picture perfect people self-serving shinnying
safe in a picture perfect world
behold the bigger picture take part belief
mental health for mental wealth visual wonder revealed
access abstract happiness now is later
practical risk days months weak
physical reward years and years sweet
do you make believe succeed
curiosity unconfined give care stay free

" first step's again is hard..
adapt to fear.. to step into the known.. "

" They gave me drugs to heal..
i took them to escape.. "

" Be the better sound "

" Better safe than sorry "

" peace and happiness
is found by hav's
and have not's "

" knowing i am good.. is enough..
nope.. i want more.. "

" knowledge is the key
to discover your own wisdom..
explore wisely.. its all in your mind..
just probable.. only meant for you..
serve yourself.. before you serve others..
hack your mind.. move still.. "

" things look familiar..
because it is from
a long forgotten dream.. "

" trust no one..
trust everyone.. "

" if you don't ask..
you wont know.. "

" the finish line is never their.. "

" money can bring you happiness..?
but the loneliness is always free.. "

" i just wanna close my eyes
and not see.. feel.. the empty void.. "

" Life is sweet.. life is sour
bitter.. tangy.. spicy.. "

" my mental health battle
is with my mind.. body.. heart.. gut.. spirit..
i will fight my anxieties now with..
practicality.. Thx.. Garyvee.. "

" why be one..
when you can be many..
and a master of all..
Mental Mentality.. "

" porcelain.. slaves.. thrown.. "


" shit eater.. bottom feeder.. toilet of turds.. triumphant floaters.. lit.. polished..
feces.. influence.. stained marks.. plastered side show.. splash back carnival..
arrogant.. shit above.. shit below.. butt crack.. asshole.. great white society.. yellow..
piss stain.. smeared brush.. bleach.. flush.. floaters futile.. soiled a-hole.. stink hole..
lid down.. just keep flush'in.. CRAP..! just keep flush'in.. flush'in.. flush'in.. flush'in.. "

- Were You Told What To Do.. -
" impostors Claim.. Voice In Your Head.. Kept Blind..
Visions You See Until You Die.. Hoax.. All Control..
Victory Pride.. Sliver Gold.. More.. Your Soul Owned..
How Do they know.. do real want too know.. "
- mirror mirror on the wall -
" don't blink.. stare closer.. little longer.. gaze..
oink oink.. stay this way.. for those who don't..
will always think this way.. you cant run.. buy..
hide.. you can try.. debt.. the prize you wear..
obey.. forever.. now do what your told.. tool.. "

" get On With it.. DIPEEDEEDOODAaa..
All That Glitters.. Dreams.. New Of Old..
Wild.. Tamed.. Written Words Fore Told..
Just When You Think You Know.. Enslaved..
fakes deceiving.. feeding.. lie's.. shaping..
greed.. lust.. likes.. hearts.. mind control..
valued pride.. tip of your nose.. celebrity..
masters of industry.. moguls.. millionaires..
billionaires.. all your needs fore wants..
influence.. power.. fools fooling fools.. "

" Skin Crawler.. Pin.. Needle Wearer.. Fatty.. Skinny
Dumb Ugly.. Abuser.. Da Power.. Hey Loser.. Ego Feeder
Paradise Player.. Little Dick Eater.. Cunt Licker..
Fucked At Leisure.. Come Cover'ed.. You'er Next..
They wear You Well.. In Heaven Or Hell "

" Inner Circle..
Mind Reader.. Controller.. Watcher..
Painless Pleasure.. Slave Worker..
Fake Winner.. Impostors.. Work To Live..
Live To Fuck.. Up.. Life.. "


" Hidden Doors Open To Enjoyment..
Self indulgence.. Greater Danger..
Fallen Beasts Guarded Edens Garden..
Mythical Person.. Creature.. Fruit Eater
Nature.. Giver.. Taker.. Resting.. Resetting.. "

" Eyes Open.. No Teacher..
masquerade.. costume Reader..
placed symbol.. any individual..
angels to devils.. vice versa..
you cant read.. skin deep.. "

" demon.. System Controller..
Only You Can Go Deeper.. x-ray vision..
When was the last.. INSPECTION..
Truths.. fears.. Inter-FUCKIN-vention.. try.. "

" Check?mate.. man.. Woman.. Child.. worker..
King.. Queen.. Lord.. Leader.. Teacher.. earths..
SYSTEM..! axis.. tilted.. corrupted..! FUCKWIT..!

" Fallen Angel.. Da Devil..
Blame Man..? Woman..?
Don't Believe The Hype..
Religion.. "

" Metaverse.. High Definition..
Enter False Universe..
The Day You Won.. Is the Day You Lost..
Trust Known.. one.. Fake Life.. MORON..! "

" Fuck You Later..
Friend You Now.. Pleasure Seeker..
What Ever You Desire.. danger..
Ask And Receive.. Emotional Treasurer..
how do you..? push the fear.. "

" Socialize.. Empathize.. Stay.. Play..?
Hand Shaker.. Arm Holder.. The Enemy
Of My Enemy Ain't No Friend Of Mine..
Kiss Me.. You Will Know..?
Friend Or Foe "

" Past.. Present.. Peoples Knowledge.. Recycled..
doubt influencer.. con-noisseur.. logical.. rational.. cerebral mentality.. intellectual philosophy.. ability..
Educated debility.. intelli-gent.. witty.. theoretical..
delusional.. subjective.. prosperity.. blah blah blah "

" Passion.. Enthusiasm.. unawareness..
Broadcast.. Display.. Lyrical Jizzyem..
Supplemental.. What Fun..! Distraction..?
Present.. Memories.. Goodtimes.. yOLO "

" Life experience.. high Anxiety..!
Experiment.. move to Realize.. Now You Know..?
Understand the Threat..? Is It You..? "

" Inner Dimension..
Has No Rules..
Were You Told What To dO..? "

" i am in the corner..
i am inside.. "

" fore.. the purity of the mind..
body.. heart.. soul and sprite.. "

" dealing with my mental health..
trying..! ? ? ?
why are you.. judging..! "

" is this practical..?
is this normal..? "

" if you want yourself done
well / unwell
be yourself "

" evil is hidden.. checkmate..
evil is always there.. check?mate.. "

" good intentions
fuck with your mind "

" God is a feeling.. checkmate..
god is always there.. miracle.. "

" see something..? say something..?
cat.. dog.. pig.. wolf.. fox.. snake.. Birds.. N More..
when we see.. we cant believe.. that..!
we are the only one's that saw..
shhhh..! silent fear forever.. NEVER..
i'am a winner baby.. so why wont you save me..
i said it.. deal with it.. "

" Do or Don't worship to believe.. GOD.. ALLAH.. BUDDHA.. KRISHNA.. JESUS.. have given us all everything to learn.. discover.. why? what? where?
to give.. want and need.. why worship.. learn.. work.. create.. i Have faith.. and GOD.. ALLAH.. BUDDHA.. KRISHNA.. JESUS.. believe in us ALL.. we are all different.. yet the same.. happiness we all crave "

" i will do me.. you will do you..
live your life.. i will change life..
dO.. wHAT tHE fUCK..! yOU wANT.. "

" a belief is hardest to change..
but a bad habit is easier to stop..
dO.. wHAT tHE fUCK..! yOU wANT.. "

Art Up


Art Up

" close your eyes.. picture a wall in your mind.. "

" now.. click on logo below.. "


"My Art My Therapy"

High Anxiety