picture jack prints

Treasure below

Exodus.. Mental Darkness...

-Judgement ? Never Leads To Nirvana-

Its Only Human To Interpret The World..
Of Words.. Pictures.. Sounds.. Emotions..
We Discover Our Own Truths..
To Heal.. The Mind.. Body.. Heart..
Sometimes Ignorance Is Bliss..
We Grow.. Learn.. Into Realization..
The Present Moment.. History Of Truths.. Lie's..
What Will You Do To Heal.. To Reveal..
Be The Better Sound.. Be Kind..
Be Compassionate..
Tolerant.. Mindful..
We Are All Trying..
If All Else Fails..
Don't Be.. A KU#T.. A JERK.. A CUNT..?
Creative.. Uncertainty.. Nirvana's.. Truth..


Social.. Mental.. Difficulties.. Disabilities..
If You Don't Suffer From Pain..
You Can Accomplish Anything..
Brave Heart.. Don't Get Mental..
Life.. Gifts You.. Just Don't..
Let Yourself.. Down.. Down..
Art.. impossible.. Possible..
Turn.... Open Hearts..
Exodus.. Mental Darkness..
View.. Mental Sight..
The Future.. Is Ours..
Let The Music Play..
Repeat.. Repeat..
Until.. Anxieties Retreat..

"My Art My Therapy"