" You cant judge
a book by its cover "

My pain is real, physically you cant see anything wrong with me.
MRI scans CT scans reviled nothing only a high level of brain activity. Neurologists therapists and other doctors in England and in Bangladesh never found any issues - diagnosis, it could be a trap'ed nerve or
the pain is all in my mind..! The pain has driven me to the edge of life and back, it has held me back from living my life for the longest time. The pain is constant day and night causing my mental health issues. Learning has been the hardest, i can not concentrate with this pain and my dyslexia helped with the visual but not with the reading.

That's way i stop, i panic, i over thinking. I become over active with my life - staying busy so not to feel the pain, doing good or going back to bad habits to numb the pain.

" I had to leave a life behind to find a life "

What many people might presume is i'am living my life, but what
i was doing 99% of the time in England i am doing 90% of the time
when i was in Bangladesh - staying in my room. here i have the
space, motivation to learn and experiment.

Time, Nature, environment. to a practical and creative process for
me to heal my fears and anxieties, towards better future.
for a physical and mental well-being.

" People see what
they want to see
dont let age define you "

Now I do all of this for Love. Love has Empowered and
Motivated me. This journey that i have been on started a very
long time ago. This love i want to give willingly by Creating
Art, this Joyful, Playful, Adventures, Innocent, Lonely Process.
To Learn And Hopefully Live. I have began To Heal Myself
With The Continuing Process Of My Art.

" i create For a need to heal for a want of love and life my art is evident "


" Isolation to Creation "


High Anxiety